At this point we would like to give you some basic information about the legal forms of U.S. entities including the Limited Liability Company (LLC) and the Corporation. No one should make the choice which of these legal forms is best for them without knowing how a company is established within the respective form and what options each offers the entrepreneur.
We present to you on this page the following topics:
What exactly is a U.S. Corporation? Who, within the organization, owns such a company and what variations are there? These and other questions are answered on the "Corporation" page.
On this page, learn more about how a U.S. Limited Liability Company (LLC) is established.
For aspiring businesses, it is often the question whether the LLC or the Corporation is the less expensive and most cost effective legal form of an organization. This comparison page can help you decide.
This page lists the advantages and disadvantages of a LLC and a Corporation and accounts, in part, as to the decision of which legal form a particular business should be established and which will be more advantageous to the company.
Depending on the entity established, either both the entrepreneur and the business pay taxes, or only the individual entrepreneur. Also the place where the company operates is important. Learn more about taxes for a LLC and for a Corporation on this page.
The LLC and Corporation business entities are interesting not only for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to act within the U.S. market, but also that they are able to do business in Germany. There is more information on this page.
What obligations does a company have in the United States with a LLC? with a Corporation? You will find more information on this page.
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